David Solomon
3 min readMay 1, 2019


Finders Course helps people become "enlightened" and has a success rate of ~70%.

It's an extraordinary shift, discussed and documented at length, with copious amounts of research.

Statistically significant, longitudinal and data-driven, it uses language like "Persistent non-symbolic expression" to secularize practices outside the often muddy context of religious and mystical traditions - as valuable as those can be.

If you're interested in learning more or signing up, comment below. While I've pursued my own path so far, I'm seriously considering doing the practices and applying to their advanced course, and have loved Jeffery Martin's book The Finders, which discusses all this in much more detail and is very inspiring if you're a seeker.


An excerpt from their free book, "How to Safely, Reliably, and Rapidly reach Fundamental Wellbeing:"


Imagine you grew up in a single room. You would have never seen what was beyond it or had any way to even conceive of that.

Now suppose that the roof above your room starts leaking when it rains and that eventually your ceiling becomes saturated and begins to drip.

You try in vain to repair the ceiling. Sometimes your patching seems to work. Magic appears to happen that stops the water, and it allows for a temporary repair until the next rainstorm. No matter how much you try, though, over time it won’t stop leaking.

