David Solomon
3 min readFeb 8, 2020


There's a trend towards "Guru-bashing" which I've found quite distasteful. The world needs more good spiritual teachers.

Many professions are evaluated, even regulated. Energy healers and those to share what they've learned on dedicated spiritual paths learn as we go. Unless someone claims to be infallible (which I've honestly never heard), their qualifications are constantly growing - and they are just as capable as dentists, engineers, and marketers to make human mistakes.

How can someone learn to serve better if they aren't forgiven for their mistakes? If "Teacher Bob" steps out of line, or is abnormally stressed from something or other and speaks an incomplete or distorted truth, that doesn't mean everything he's ever said or done should be avoided like the plague.

Rather, we could see the common goal held by many on a spiritual path - that of reducing human suffering, improving the quality of life for all sentient beings, and realizing our true nature.

Living in joy.

And just as interfaith groups in Western monotheistic religions had councils for tolerance, IMHO we - all these niches, schools, and lineages - could be more tolerant of each orher.

Maybe a certain person who chooses to teach isn't someone we feel called to learn from. But if we care about the world and those who do feel drawn to that person, we can offer compassion, love and support, rather than scorn.

We can understand.


